Friday, 18 January 2013

2013 Keluarga Harmoni's Committee :)

Keluarga Harmoni's Committee Official Handover :)

2012 Committee
Pengerusi: Cik Ayub
Penyelaras: Faisal Wahab
Bendahari: Amalia Juhari
(Not Forgetting Cik Sal & Safrina as well.)

 2013 Committee
Pengerusi: Pak Uteh
Penyelaras: Hisyam Ismail
Bendahari: Amirah Ayub
(Not Forgetting Mak Uteh & Roslina as well.)

On 17th January 2013, the 2012 committee has officially handover their duties to the 2013 committee. We would like to thank the 2012 committee for all their efforts in organizing the events and making sure that everything runs smoothly.

As for the 2013 committee, we will make sure that this year will also be filled with lots of events so as to keep the strong bond between our families. In Shaa Allah :)

Oh and also, not forgetting the endless support from the other Keluarga Harmoni members as well. Without your support, none of the events will happen. So, Thank You Everyone! May Allah S.W.T Bless Each & Everyone Of You, Always. Wassalam :)